Tuesday, June 15, 2010


10:27 P.M.



Perfect stillness.

Green, healthy and free, the leaves whose origin can't be traced have found their solace on that lone, large boulder I see as I slowly turn to look behind me, to my left, from whence the whimpering did dare to sound.

What bold sheen the leaves adorn!

The Great Light grants them gold.

So bright.

I shield my eyes to better take in the grand, blossoming end to the sheet of water that recklessly falls over the face of one steep cliff to the North.

Such fresh, ancient, life-giving foliage frames my mind's eye, West and South!

They are backing my venture, this Journey I've found, but also keeping the way backward closed.

She needs help. She's here: Small Scared One.

Where? We must draw her out; bid her leave this place.

This sacred ground is no place for a small, scared Thing.

Alas, I beckon but she does not come out, though I sense her lack of resolve and her need for rest.

"There is acceptance! There is reason here! Come, Small One, and let us reason together! I have brought my Own with me. You will know her and find a true friend in her. Let us listen to her freedom song together!"

With a gentle rustling of disturbed rock-leaves, I see her disheveled, dark head rise up from behind Big Rock, just up enough for me to have a glimpse of those wide, wondering, weary eyes.

"Come, Child," I say. "I see you are weary. You need not be." I offer my steady, sure hand.

No movement does she make.

"We can find Reason together. She has not gone far."

I step forward slowly, only one step, with arm outstretched.

A sad sigh escapes my belabored breast, as Small One retreats behind that stubborn stone.

Plenty of leaves and fronds for children's crowns can be found upon her make-shift fortress but she will not notice; neither will she care, so long as the absent Care-giver appears not to guide her.

This Child exhausts Patience to his core.

Light dims without losing strength.

"What am I to do with you?" I say only for myself to hear, as the Child should not be burdened with my exasperation, although already I know what is to come, for my part.

It is clear that I must not give up on this course, so I turn my back to the Rock and sit against it.

Releasing my Song for the enclosing night, I faintly hear Small, Scared One humming along, attempting to match the tune.

She will someday have no need of me, and I will graciously leave my post then.

Before that, though, her ears must hear the crashing waters of that majestic fall to her North, to pull her eyes into focus and see what has been in front of her.

Then the awe will set in.

Fears will be released.

Her raging mind will be stilled.

She'll invite Reason in, have her Own Song and see Care had always been with her. She'll see the unexpected trail Care had left behind to comfort her while Small One wouldn't see her helping hand.

Patience, the unsung hero, whose dearest companion is Humility, will fade with lack of necessity, as is how these things should go. Those two are Content, playing their part and living in simplicity, as the strong ones always are.

For now, my honor and prosperity are here, in the wilderness, where this Child Happened along, with the next leg of my Journey wrapped in her open, unseeing eyes.
- K. E. Dahl