Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Process In Progress

revised 07/21/2013

More deafening silence.
I wait.
The answers will come.
They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall walk and
not grow weary; they shall run and not faint.
I will always return to You and rest in You;
in quietness and trust, find You.
I wait.
I do not understand this pain, O Faithful One!
All I know is the necessity to go through it.
I can not see how I will be changed because of it.
I just know You are Trustworthy.
What did You teach me before?
"What does it say?"
Yes, it says this will produce patience and I must let the
patience do its steadfast, perfect work, that I may be
mature and complete, lacking in nothing.
And also, elsewhere, it says suffering produces endurance;
and endurance, approved character; and character, hope.
I know that hope is not so trite a thing as this life may
make it appear to be.
I wait for the hope to surface again.
Then, perseverance having done its work, I will
have passed through the trial and be hearing from You again.
I don't understand Your silence but I know it has a purpose.